Friday 2 May 2008

Inspired by Little Rhys

Rhys is a happy playful little child. He used to play with the other children of his age. One  afternoon, his group played hide and seek. An hour thereafter they decided to stop and rest for a while. But one of them saw a long ladder leaning on the edge of the roof of the building. They decided at once to have a try  climbing the ladder one after the other. The first child climbed and in middle he was trembling scared, so he rushed going down. The second one took his turn, while on the way up he looked down. Afraid of the heigt, he stopped and moved rushing down. The third child did same and so as the fourth. No one among his friends have climbed to top.

Rhys on his turn fearlessly climbed the ladder. Looking up high he reached the top. With great envy, one of the children had asked: How dare he managed to climb till the top?  He then replied: "You were excited to climb on the ladder while the group were holding the ladder below and were watching you.  Initially, you were proud of and boastful with what you did.  I kept my eye on you. So, I saw what you did."

He paused for some seconds and then he continued talking to the child with all sincerity on his observations. He said: 

"Yes, you climbed the ladder but everytime you put your foot upward  you kept on looking down at us and seeing how far from the ground you were. So, you feared on climbing higher. As I took my turn, I kept on looking up.  And seeing how far from the sky I was, I was more motivated to climb till the top."

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